Target grades have been produced using data produced by the Fischer Family Trust (FFT), a very experienced and trusted national organisation used by most schools to review data and to provide likely GCSE outcomes based on prior performance from Key Stage 2. In nearly all cases, a student’s target is a grade which expects the pupil to perform at a level consistent with the progress made by pupils in the top 20% of schools nationally. Every subject teacher has reviewed the initial FFT targets for each of their pupils and has made adjustments to raise or lower targets accordingly, using internal assessment data and their professional judgement, if they felt a change to be appropriate in any individual case.
Where students are following BTec courses, the grading system remains the same as it is at present. Pupils will receive a grade at Level 2, which is equivalent to a GCSE grade, at Pass, Merit or Distinction Level, or a pass at Level 1, which is a qualification at a lower level than a GCSE. Pupils will receive the three-graded band targets, with grades expressed as L1P, P, M and D.
For Awards in Constructing the Built Environment and Food & Cookery, Pupils will receive a grade at Level 2, which is equivalent to a GCSE grade C or above at a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*. The Construction course also offers a pass at a Level 1, which is equivalent of up to a grade D at GCSE.
Target grades will be provided to your child during their lessons for each subject. Each student will be given an opportunity to review their targets which should be aspirational and motivating.
Our reporting process will provide a clear indication of your child’s GCSE target grades alongside a statement of whether your child is likely to achieve their target based on their level of work at the time of reporting. Each subject teacher will select an appropriate statement taking your child’s attainment and likely progress into account:
Statement |
Meaning |
Excellent progress |
The student is on track and is likely to achieve an aspirational target grade if the current level of work is maintained. |
Good progress |
The student is on track and is likely to achieve the first target grade if the current level of work is maintained. |
Limited progress towards target |
The student is not making expected progress and is in danger of falling below the first target grade. |
Progress below target. |
The student is not making enough progress to meet the first target grade, and will not meet this target if the current level of work is maintained. |
We will also report on your child’s:
Further information about the College approach to assessment can be found by following this link: and clicking on ‘Assessment Policy’.