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Year 7


Head of Year: Mr Luke Young 

PSOs: Ms Sonia Wilson & Ms Kimberley O'Leary

SLG Link: Ms Lucy Macwhinnie

Assembly: Tuesday 


Ms Carole Toleon 


Ms Florence Rae 


Mrs Heather Taylor


Mrs Chitra Yergol 


Miss Lucy Coghlan


Mr Jack Tuonimen 


Ms Coral Reeves 


Ms Olivia Hall 


Mrs Michelle Teo 


Miss Laura Mott 

Welcome from the Head of Year 7

Year 7 plays a pivotal role in laying strong foundations upon which students can build throughout their time in secondary education. At Cambourne Village College, we are committed to ensuring that all students are supported in fulfilling their academic potential whilst understanding that helping students to build emotional resilience and look after their mental wellbeing are crucial aspects of achieving this.

As a year team, we are committed to providing outstanding pastoral care for your children. Our form tutors are dedicated professionals who put the needs of their tutees first. The relationship forged between tutee and tutor is special and I have every confidence that your child will find the support of their tutor to be an invaluable resource during their first year with us and beyond. I would encourage you to communicate with your child’s tutor any queries or concerns you may have; they are their first point of contact every day and are ideally placed to act upon information you may need to relay.

The pastoral programme that tutors will deliver each morning has been designed to stimulate students’ interest in events and issues that are significant in their community and in wider society too. Fundamentally, we will have a continuing focus on the development of self-belief, respect and kindness in every child. I am looking forward to all students in Year 7 becoming renowned for their kindness towards each other, politeness to staff and their dedication to all their studies.

I also very much look forward to working with all students, staff and importantly, parents to help our year group achieve the very best at Cambourne Village College.                                                                                                                        

Mr Luke Young