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Bulletin 09.12.2022

9th December 2022

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

With the end of term approaching, we’re looking forward to a celebratory week ahead. We’d be delighted if you would join us for:

Tuesday 13 December:  7pm - ‘Father Frost’ musical production, Years 7 & 8

Thursday 15 December: 7pm – All-School concert featuring solo and ensemble pieces, and the Year-7 Choir

On Friday 16 December, Christmas lunch will be served by our caterers, Pabulum. Please see menu attached.  The usual range of snack items will be on sale at breaktime, but please be aware that lunchtime provision will be limited on this day to the items on the menu. The cost of the Christmas lunch is £3.50; pupils on free school meals will be served the full Christmas lunch.  Provision will be made for whom we are aware of food intolerance

Carols for Ukraine

This week saw the start of festivities, with a choir from Years 7 & 8 performing some of their ‘Father Frost’ pieces as part of the ‘Carols for Ukraine’ celebration service in Great St Mary’s, Cambridge.  This concert raised enough money to send two second-hand ambulances, stocked with medical supplies, to Ukraine – it was very good that our pupils were able to contribute to this.

Free School Meals Christmas Appeal

We have already received more than £1200 in response to our annual appeal to support our free school meal families at Christmas.   Thank you for your generosity!  Much of this is made up of single donations of £5.00, showing a very wide level of support for our families who are hardest-hit by the increasing cost of living at present.  Donations can be made via your usual ParentPay account: ParentPay - Leading Cashless Payment System for Schools.  Any further contributions, however small, will be gratefully received and added to the Christmas holiday free school meal payments.


A reminder that the following vaccinations are taking place in school, and that the relevant consent forms must be returned, to allow your child to be given these important protections:


Meningitis ACWY/ Tetanus/ Diptheria Polio

Year 9


Flu immunisations

Year 7/ 8/ 9

Supporting Mental Health

If you feel that any of your children may be struggling with low mood or other concerning conditions at present, here is some background reading that you may find useful, supplied by our Mental Health Lead, Mrs Kenton Howells.

Children's mental health - Every Mind Matters - NHS (

Parents Mental Health Support | Advice for Your Child | YoungMinds

Wishing you all a very enjoyable weekend,

Claire Coates

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