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Bulletin 24.02.2023

24th February 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Teachers’ Strike: Wednesday 1 March

At present, it looks as if the teachers’ strike planned for next Wednesday, will go ahead.  Many CamVC teachers are likely to be involved, as NEU membership at the school has increased by 25% since the last action.  As for the last strike, we will stay open for all Year 11 students in the morning and for some Year 11 students in the afternoon.  Selected classes of Year 10 classes will also run for subjects completing assessments or coursework; parents will be notified separately if their child is required to attend. 

School will be closed for pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9, and for most Year 10s.  These pupils should check their Satchel One app for homework which may be set. If work has been set for Wednesday, it is expected that pupils will complete it.  Parents who would like to source extra work for their children, may do so via the Oak National Academy:

Grand Raffle

We are now selling tickets for the CamVC Charitable Trust Grand Raffle.  Please see inside the bulletin for details of the fantastic prizes. The funds raised will help to buy the final items needed for our Performance Hall and go towards the installation of cinema facilities for the town, in our soon-to-be-built Sixth Form lecture theatre.  Tickets are £1.00 each; they can be bought via Parent Pay and on this link: . We will shortly be asking pupils to bring home books of tickets to sell; please support these exciting projects, which will benefit both school and community.


Next week, the musical, Chicago (And All That Jazz!)) will be performed by a super-talented cast of pupils, as the first school event in our newly-fitted-out Performance Hall, from 1 – 4 March.  I can promise you a wonderful night out - tickets can be bought online. Full details are within the bulletin.

Safer Schools Initiative

Cambourne Village College has been offered the opportunity to take part in a pilot project with the Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Policing Team, involving four secondary schools in the area.  Between March and July 2023, we will have a working police officer based on site for one day per week, with the primary aim of building trust and confidence between young people and the Police; further details are explained in the attached letter.  We always cooperate with the Police to help to address issues of concern, and antisocial behaviour within the Cambourne community. Please be reassured that the placement of a police officer for one day per week with us is not due to concerns about pupil safety within school, but is intended to develop preventative work and support for our young people, in the face of the increasing pressures they face in their everyday lives and communities.

Wishing you all a very enjoyable weekend,

Claire Coates

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