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Parent Bulletin 04.03.2022

4th March 2022

This week's bulletin is available here


Dear Parents and Carers

Events   There has been lots of extra-curricular activity at school this week, with our Sports Leaders and Activators supporting a primary Sports Panathlon at CamVC, our Language Leaders teaching Spanish to younger pupils in their primaries and Year 10 students participating in the Bar Council’s Regional Bar Mock Trials with great enthusiasm.  Today, World Book Day is being celebrated with book-themed fancy dress.

Ukraine Conflict  These happy events in school are of course taking place against the backdrop of sombre news from Ukraine, and all pupils have been taught about the conflict this week, either as a discrete lesson with our Humanities staff, or via a special session in assembly.  I’m grateful to the staff who’ve given pupils these opportunities to learn the background to this event, and to answer their many questions.  Proceeds from today’s bake-sale will be donated to an appropriate charity, and please see details within the bulletin about our collections of items to send to refugees fleeing this conflict.

URGENT - Impact of West Cambourne Development on Access to School

PLEASE take the time to read the attached letter from CamVC and Hardwick & Cambourne Primary Schools about the very negative impact we will soon be suffering from changes to our access roads. Your help is urgently needed to prevent seriously negative consequences for all who drive to our schools.  

Year 8 Parent Consultation   A very high proportion of our Year 8 parents and carers met staff in this virtual event on Thursday.  Feedback was very positive; if you have not already done so, please complete this very quick survey about your child’s experiences at school this year: 2022 Year 8 Parent Questionnaire on which you can also express your preference about virtual versus face-to-face consultations with staff.

School Uniform   As it becomes warmer and the need to ventilate the building so highly is receding, we are reverting to full, correct school uniform as of Monday.  This means:

  • Coats must go into lockers at the start of the day and may be worn outside only
  • Red PE hoodies may no longer be worn outside of PE lessons
  • ID badges must again be worn on the front of the grey school uniform jersey

Please also check that your child’s other garments comply with school uniform policy:

  • Correct school uniform trousers and skirts must be worn: leggings, jeans, jogging bottoms and short / stretch-jersey skirts are not acceptable

Pupils who may feel the cold can wear additional layers beneath their school uniform.  Please contact your child’s year team if you have any difficulties in providing uniform; we can support you with this.

Punctuality    Please support your children to be in school for registration at 8.40am; we are stepping up our sanctions for pupils who are persistently late.  Please let your child’s tutor know if there is a particular reason why your son or daughter may need a different arrangement.

I hope you can all enjoy a very good weekend.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Coates

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