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Parent Bulletin 07.01.2022

7th January 2022

This week's Bulletin is available here

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope that you were able to enjoy the festive break and thank you for supporting our return to school this week.  The on-site testing process has gone very smoothly, thanks to our wonderful volunteers, excellent cooperation from pupils, and a lot of practice at doing this now…   

Thank you for your Generosity

Our Christmas appeal for the families of pupils on free school meals raised £1,384.  This meant we could send families an £8.00 shopping voucher for each of their children with us, so thank you for your support with this; it is hugely appreciated. 

Year 11 Predicted Grades

Staff have worked hard to mark and moderate mock exam papers in time for these results to inform the predicted grades which are submitted alongside pupils’ Post 16 applications next week.  These grades will be available to pupils for checking on Go4Schools today, and a conversation offered with a member of the Careers team if there is any discrepancy between predicted grade and chosen course requirements. Full progress reports are due to parents on 21st January. 

Covid Measures

As you’ll be aware from national media, the biggest threat to schools at present is potential high levels of staff sickness.  Our worst day last term saw 14 teachers and 5 support staff absent – with Covid contributing significantly to this.  This level of absence compromises the quality of teaching for pupils and presents us with many operational issues, the key consideration always being our ability to keep your children safe.  Your support in providing your children with face-coverings and ensuring that they are testing on Wednesdays and Sundays, reporting the results, will be key to helping us to keep school open for all pupils this term.

I have attached a letter from Jonathan Lewis, the Director of Education for Cambridgeshire, and some further information about Covid isolation measures.

Covid Infection Levels

We have a total of 53 cases this week which includes four staff members with Covid-related absence:

Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 11


Vaccinations at School

We had a provisional HPV/ Meningitis/Diphtheria vaccinations date scheduled for the 12th January; this has now been postponed; the second Covid jabs for our pupils will be offered on 4th February – more information will be provided two weeks before this date.

We’re pleased to have the full complement of pupils back in school today, and I’m sure you’re sharing our hopes for as normal a term as possible!

Kind regards

Claire Coates

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