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Parent Bulletin 11.02.2022

11th February 2022

This week's bulletin is available here.


Dear Parents and Carers

As we reach the end of this intensive half-term, thank you for your ongoing support for the school. 

Year 9 Options

We have now reached the end of the options guidance process in school; all the information on courses and the process is still available on the school website and Year 9 pupils need to submit their option choices form, as sent separately via School Post, by Monday 21 February.  Our process is designed to ensure that the highest possible number of pupils get all three of their option choices, as happens for 90% of all Year 9 students each year.  It’s important that each pupil indicates their clear order of preference in their list of options, with their first choice placed first, and in the very unusual circumstance of any timetabling complication, this will be resolved later with the school.     

Covid Update

I’m glad to report that the number of reported infections has dropped this week across the school and we have a total of 48 positive cases today, including 5 members of teaching and support staff.   This reflects a drop in numbers across the region and from next half term, the wearing of masks in communal areas is no longer a recommendation.  Pupils and staff who wish to wear a face covering will be supported to do so. We ask that you continue with twice weekly Covid testing at home and in particular, that all pupils are tested on Sunday 20 February before returning to school after the half term break.

Positive cases by year group

Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 11


Financial Support

We are aware that the current economic climate is creating difficulties for some families.   The Local Authority is able to provide some financial support to families who do not meet the threshold for free school meals, via the Winter Support Scheme:  

Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s year team if you would like help in applying for any of these schemes.

International Travel

The Department for Education has asked schools to share advice about the NHS COVID Pass service for 12 to 15 year olds which now includes the option of a digital NHS COVID Pass.  The NHS COVID Pass for international travel can be accessed through the NHS website for those aged 12 years and over. For young people aged 13 and over, the NHS App can also be used to access the NHS COVID pass.  Further information on how to get an NHS COVID Pass is available on the NHS website.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable and restful half term break.

Yours sincerely

Claire Coates


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