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Parent Bulletin 25.02.2022

25th February 2022

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Fortunately, there was very little damage caused to the school site last weekend, despite record high winds of 76mph being recorded for Cambourne.  We have had a typically busy week and there are lots of new opportunities for your children advertised within this bulletin - please do take the time to look through this.

Revised Covid Measures

This week has seen some further steps towards ‘normality’ with the Government’s reduced measures against Covid-19 coming into effect.  We are advised to keep our internal infection rates under review; at present, the new measures mean:   

  • Staff and students no longer need to undertake twice weekly testing and test kits are no longer available from school.
  • If your child has a symptom of Covid, you are advised to get them a PCR test and try to avoid contact with people until you get the result, informing us via
  • If your child tests positive, in line with advice from the Local Authority, we ask that they stay home and isolate for 5 days
  • On day 5 the child should undertake a LFD test.  If your child has two negative LFD tests on two consecutive days, they can return to school if they have no symptoms
  • Advice from the Department of Education states that a headteacher can refuse access to school if a pupil has a confirmed case of Covid-19 or any of the three Covid symptoms: a high temperature; new, continuous cough; loss or change to sense of smell or taste.  We will follow this advice.
  • Lateral Flow Tests can still be ordered until 1 April on THIS LINK
  • We will continue to ask visitors to wear a mask when coming into school

Covid Vaccination – Information for families from the Department for Education:

We have published some frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the vaccination programme including information on eligibility, accessibility and advice for parents of children at high risk from COVID-19. Please share these FAQs with parents, particularly those with children who are clinically vulnerable.

Guidance on how to book appointments for children aged 12 years and over is available on the NHS website. Further information on the vaccination of high risk children aged 5 to 11 years old is available in the guide for parents of children aged 5 to 11 years published by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

I hope you all have a very good and (meteorologically…)  quieter weekend!

Yours sincerely

Claire Coates

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