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Parent Bulletin 28.01.2022

28th January 2022

This week's bulletin is available here


Dear Parents and Carers

This has been a good week at school.  Important work on curriculum development took place on Tuesday and some pupils commemorated Holocaust Memorial Day by listening to the testimony of Eva Clark BEM, a holocaust survivor, via live webcast on Wednesday.  Year 10 pupils visited the Design Museum as part of their Design & Technology GCSE course and Year 11 pupils were out on Thursday doing fieldwork, again to support GCSE studies. It’s great that we’re able to resume enriching the curriculum in this way again; please do look through the rest of this bulletin where a wide range of opportunities for all year groups is advertised.

Year 9 Parent Consultation: Thursday 3 FebruarySchool finishes at 1.30pm for all pupils

If you have not yet made your appointments, you can do so on this link: This consultation opportunity will be particularly valuable for answering any queries about subject choices for next year.  Please remind all children that periods 3– 6 will be taught in the morning.

Year 10 Reports 

I apologise for the incorrect date that has been shown on the school website: The school calendar has been amended and Year 10 reports are due to parents on 11th February.

Covid Rates and Masks in Schools

Infection rates in Cambridgeshire remain high, as detailed in the message from the Cambs Local Authority, copied to you on Wednesday. The LA recommends that masks continue to be worn in our communal areas so we will continue with this – it’s extremely helpful if you can provide your child with a reusable mask.  Please continue to test your children on Wednesdays and Sundays – the transmission of infection to school staff is our greatest risk to providing high-quality education.

We have 58 Covid-related absences this week: there is a total of 58 cases, which includes six teachers and support staff.

Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 11



Flu vaccination catch-ups took place this week.  If you would like to have your child vaccinated against Covid when the NHS team visit next week on Friday 4 February to give first or second vaccinations, please see the information within the bulletin and the link to the necessary consent form.

E Scooters

I’ve been asked to remind parents that it’s illegal to use a privately owned e-scooter on pavements, cycle paths or roads at present.  In particular, e-scooters ridden on the road at night are very difficult for motorists to spot and the riders are at considerable risk.  E-scooters are not allowed on the school site. 

Wishing all our families a very good weekend,

Claire Coates

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