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This school is guided by a number of policies ratified by The Cam Academy Trust and which apply to all schools in the Trust. These include the policies listed below and are available on the Trust website here.

  • Adoption Policy
  • Cabin Provision
  • CCTV Policy
  • Charges and Remissions         
  • Complaints
  • Continual Professional Development
  • Data Protection and Data Retention
  • Driving Policy
  • Expenses
  • Flexible Working Policy
  • Fraud
  • Freedom of Information
  • Gifts and Hospility
  • Investment
  • IT Acceptable use Pupil Policy
  • IT Acceptable use Staff Policy
  • Menopause Policy
  • Pay and Remuneration Policy
  • Performance Management Policy
  • Probationary Policy
  • Redunancy and Restructuring
  • Risk Management Policy
  • Safer Employment Policy
  • Social Media 
  • Staff Absence
  • Staff Capability
  • Staff Disciplinary
  • Staff Equality and Diversity
  • Staff Grievance
  • Sustainability Policy
  • Volunteers
  • Whistleblowing

The Annual Reports and Accounts and additional Financial information can also be found on the Trust website here, and the Privacy Notices are here

In addition, schools have their own specific policies. The key policies relavent to Cambourne Village College are below: